Joint and Connective Tissue Disorders
At L K WELLNESS CENTRE , we believe in the importance of finding the root cause of your problem. Conventional Medical system uses medications for pain and inflammation to reduce symptoms, but these medications can have negative effects on your health they can even make you feel worse.
But we believe a better way exists. At our pain management centre, we prefer natural pain relief alternatives to surgery and painkillers. We practice Holistic integrative medicine, a healing-oriented medicine that takes the whole patient into consideration body, mind, and spirit. We use natural, effective, and less-invasive methods to treat and eliminate your pain.
When you come to us, we will develop a personalized treatment plan for you to quickly relieve your symptoms and to find a lasting natural solution to your situation.
Our plan may include one or more of the following treatments
Balancing Hormones
You may be able to get relief from joint pain by balancing hormones naturally. We have a variety of ways to treat hormone imbalances.
Bioelectric Treatments
This safe, non-invasive treatment applies a comfortable electrical stimulation to alleviate pain.Bio-electrotherapy uses specific micro-currents resembling currents that are naturally produced by the body, allowing the body to respond and normalize your problem.
Cold Lazer Treatment
This is very safe and very effective way to alleviate the pain and stiffness, associated with inflammation.
Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy
We use micro level magnetic field (1500 Nano Tesla) to regenerate the degenerated tissues. Tissue regeneration helps in controlling inflammation and associated pain and stiffness.
Changes in diet and Anti-inflammatory Nutrients
We offer nutritional counseling that may be able to treat joint pain and will help with your overall feeling of wellness.
Detoxification Programs
Our detox therapy solutions use food, herbs, and vitamins to rid your body of toxins.
Fine-tuning the gastrointestinal environment
Gut bacteria can profoundly affect immune disorders not related to the gut, such as arthritis. A healthy gut may be able to eliminate your joint pain. Probiotics, diet, and botanical medicines may be used to heal the gastrointestinal tract.
Oxidative Therapies
Oxidative therapies are used for a wide variety of illnesses, including joint pain.
Hydrogen Peroxide, ozone, and FIR light are used to harness the power of free radicals and remove unwanted virus, fungi, bacteria, or cancer cells from the body.
PRP Therapy
PRP is extremely safe and can be used to help resolve chronic joint pain. The treatment tightens connective tissue in the joints, leading to greater joint stability and less pain. This technique also causes the joints, ligaments, and tendons to regenerate using your own plasma and platlets. Here’s how it works: PRP is injected in and around ligaments where they attach to the bone.
Weight Loss Programs
Your joint pain may be the result of excess weight. Our natural weight loss solutions use a natural, holistic, effective approach to weight loss.
At L K Wellness Center, we believe integrative medicine will be the standard care in the future. We have tailor made treatment plans the following conditions